We are in the process of getting this site up to date and hope to have great information at your fingertips very shortly.
Category Archive: News Updates from the HSPC Shelter
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/updates-coming/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/we-are-in-desperate-need-of-can-dog-food-and-dry-cat-food/
Jun 30
Cat Loving Volunteers Needed!
Calling all CAT LOVERS! We are bursting at the seams with cats and kittens who require care. If you LOVE cats and can pitch in to help, we would LOVE to talk to you. We need help with cleaning and general care of our ever increasing feline population. Stop in and talk with us. We …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/cat-loving-volunteers-needed/
Jun 25
Cat and Kitten Food NEEDED!
We are in dire need of adult cat and kitten food. We need both dry and canned. Litter and Milk Replacer Kitten Formula is also needed. If you are in a position to help us, we would greatly appreciate it! Donations can be made in person Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 12-4pm at the shelter. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/cat-and-kitten-food-needed/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/871-2/
May 06
Pardon our Paws!
We are in the process of updating our website. As a result, you may see paw tracks and loose fur here and there. Not to be concerned. We will have it all pulled together at the end. In the meantime, all the vital functions are still here. You can find “Available Pets” and still have …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/pardon-our-paws/
Dec 31
HSPC Yard Sale- Feb. 19 – 21 ,2016
We thank everyone for the HUGE success we had with our first Yard Sale. The funds raised were essential in helping us make mandatory updates to the shelter. We could not have done it without you. THANK YOU.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/hspc-yard-sale-feb-19-21-2016/
Jul 17
Hello World!
Everyone here at the Humane Society of Pasco County is excited about our new website. Our site has been a few weeks in development and we’re getting the finishing touches ready before announcing it to the world. If you’ve stumbled upon our site please feel free to look around and maybe make a suggestion or …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.humanesocietyofpasco.org/hello-world/